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Installation Apache2 and PHP4 in Debian

Step by step of installasi apache2 and php4:
1. installasi apache2
- # apt-get install apache2
- # apt-get install apache2-mpm-prefork
- afterwards typing http://iptemen2/ [at] web browser of darling temen2 to try
whether apache2 which terinstal have walked better
2. installasi php4
- deb stable all
- deb-src stable all ( enhancing at your source.list)
- # apt-get install libapache2-mod-php4 php4-cgi php4-curl php4-domxml php4-gd
php4-gmp php4-imap php4-ldap php4-mcal php4-mcrypt php4-mhash php4-ming php4-
mysql php4-odbc php4-pspell php4-recode php4-snmp php4-xslt php4-xdebug curl
libwww-perl imagemagick
- later,then edit the file apache2.conf [in] / etc/apache2/apche2.conf,
eliminating sign # in the early word of Addtype aplication / x-httpd-php . php
and Addtype aplication / x-httpd-php-source . phps
and enhance the Addhandler php-script . php4.
- try whether apache2 and php4 have ambulatory together with way of, making file
index.php of directori web temen2 misal:/var/www/index.php, and contain , keep
and try to run if information exit of about php which terinstal of your
computer hence all installation which you do have succeeded.

reference from

Multy Login Yahoo Massanger

If you wish to use the yahoo massanger with a few id, you can do the step by step following:
  1. click the start run
  2. typing regedit drive to depress the enter or O.K.
  3. at window registry editor step into the directory HKEY_CURRENT_USER
  4. later;then Software -> yahoo -> fence -> test
  5. afterwards make the new binari data with the right click of new -> DWORD Value
  6. giving name of plural and value = 1
  7. afterwards walke the kan yahoo massanger first time and login ( id 1)
  8. opening again yahoo massanger and login again ( id 2)
  9. tereng can login with two id dech in 1 pc :)

Problem Partition Harddisk

if you have experienced of the missing problem partition harddisk because something matter, you can use the Active partition recovery, this software nicely and very assisting to all computer technician. if you hanker please download here:


useful hopefully :)

Make Deep Freeze for Linux

This Deepfreeze differ from the deepfreeze which is [in] using in windows, this deepfreeze [is] its nucleus;core only compress of file and mengestraknya return at the (time) of botting, step early untu make the deepfreeze for the linux of:

  1. step into the directory home
  2. compress of directory user, tar - cvf pc1.tar pc1
  3. gzip pc1.tar
  4. make the script which join at the time of booting for example; its file is so called of deepfreeze, with the content scriptnya #!/ bin / sh -> enter cd / home;rm-rf ws01;tar - zxvf ws01.tar.gz
  5. afterwards chmod + x deepfreeze
  6. test to make the lah folder or copy the file to directory of home user later;then restart the, jik folder have there no meaning deepfreeze which you make to walk better

pc1 is name user
source of article

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